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Controlling odour and VOC pollution in composites manufacturing


Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) composites are widely used in manufacturing as they are strong yet lightweight. Layers of glass or carbon fibres are co...
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Odour removal at a pet food factory in the UK


Food factories, especially those that handle meat and fish, are frequent sources of odour nuisance. They are likely to emit volatile organic compounds...
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Valorising by-products in the chemical industry


Many companies are seeking to improve their sustainability by moving towards a circular approach that makes better use of the Earth’s finite natural r...
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Chlorinated VOC removal in the pharma sector


Methylene chloride, or dichloromethane (DCM), is a solvent with a wide variety of applications in sectors as varied as food and aviation. In the phar...
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1,2-DCE removal from a water basin at a petrochemical site


DESOTEC works with partners around Europe on designing and implementing solutions for contamination issues in a wide variety of sectors. In this case...
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Removing VOCs from emissions in the automotive sector


When upgrading industrial facilities, companies may need to find stopgap purification solutions to enable production to continue. DESOTEC is here to h...
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Removing COD from steel industry wastewater


At DESOTEC, we pride ourselves on our problem-solving approach and the adaptability of our mobile filtration solutions. The tertiary wastewater filtra...
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Purifying rinsing water for reuse in the cosmetics industry


Manufacturers today are keen to find innovative ways to conserve natural resources and make cost savings. As this case study from a French cosmetics c...
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Solving odour nuisance at a soap and detergent factory


French fragrance is renowned throughout the world – but its manufacture may cause issues closer to home. DESOTEC has the answers, with mobile and sust...
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